Català | Español | Français | English


> The book occupies a preferential place in Barrabes shop
The version in Spanish language of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta" occupies a preferential place in the famous mountain shop Barrabes, placed in the population of Benasque.

                               Barrabes shop in Benasque Barrabes shop in Benasque Barrabes shop in Benasque


> The Spanish version of the book on more bookshops
More bookshops to find the version in spanish language of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta"


> The magazine Revue Pyrénées is made impact of the publication of the book in Spanish
The magazine Revue Pyrénées is made impact of the publication of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta".
The important French magazine is made echo of the appearance of the book Magazine Revue Pyrénées


> The Spanish language version is already in the bookshops
The spanish version of the book "The Maladeta massif " starts to be found in the bookshops



> The version in Spanish language of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta" comes out published
The version in Spanish language of the book starts to be distributed for the bookshops

                               Lectio Ediciones Lectio Ediciones latest fashion sings Lectio Ediciones blog presentation of the Spanish version of the book www


> Some articles in other publications
Articles about the book in the magazines Vèrtex and Talaia

 magazine Vèrtex nº 214 september 2007 magazine Vèrtex nº 215 november 2007 magazine Talaia nº 292 november 2007 magazine Talaia nº 292 november 2007 magazine Talaia nº 292 november 2007 pdf


> Thel book in the internet bookstores of Pirineos 3000, Uni Libro, Altaïr, and La Central
You also can buy the book in theese diferent webs: Pirineos 3000, Uni Libro, Altaïr, La Central

                Pirineos 3000 bookstore  Uni Libro bookstore  Altaïr bookstore  La Central bookstore


> The book in the web sites of the bookshops Senderisme and Ulyssus
Sale of the book also in other web sites like: Senderisme, Ulyssus



> Blau TV channel
Piece of news broadcast on the day 25/09/2007 at 14 hr, 16 hr, 20 hr, and 22 hr, on the Garraf local television.



> Official presentation of the book "The Maladeta massif"
Last Friday 21 of september of 2007, it was made the official presentation of the book "The Maladeta massif", on the premises of the Vilanova i la Geltrú mountaineering club Agrupació Excursionista Talaia, located in the nº4 Comerç street of the same population. [Map of access].
pdf InvitacioPresentacioLlibreMaladeta.pdf Agrupació Excursionista Talaia official presentation of the book www


> News published in the local newspaper Diari de Vilanova
The newspaper with more print run of the region is made echo of the presentation of the book Diari de Vilanova


> Web of the bookshop Desnivel
The book for sale in one of the main mountain bookshops Llibreria Desnivel


> Web of the mountain club Mad Team
Positive appraisal of the book in the hiking world Club de muntanya Mad Team


> Web of the mountain bookshop Muntanya de Llibres
The book can already be bought in the ountain bookshop Muntanya de Llibres Llibreria Muntanya de Llibres


> Web of the bookshop Altaïr
The book can already be bought in the bookshop Altaïr Barcelone Llibreria Altaïr


> The bookshop Llibreria Ona has already the book for sale
The bookshop Llibreria Ona already offers the sale of the book across his web site.
pdf link008-webLlibreriaOna.pdf,978-84-9791-281-5.htm Llibreria Ona


> The Arch de Berà spreads the book
The web site of the Arc de Berà, which facilitates the distribution of books in Catalan all over the Catalan Countries, spreads the new book.
pdf link007-webArcDeBera.pdf,978-84-9791-281-5.htmLlibreria Arc de Berà


> The mountaineering club Agrupació Excursionista Talaia from Vilanova i la Geltrú briefs of the appearance of the new book
The A.E.Talaia from Vilanova, population where the 3 coauthors of the book live, prepares the official presentation of the new book.
pdf link006-webAETalaia.pdf Agrupació Excursionista Talaia


> Press Room of Cossetània Edicions
Article in he block of cossetània briefing of the impact in the magazine Revue Pyrénées.
pdf link005-blogSalaPemsaCossetania.pdf Sala de premsa de Cossatènia Edicions


> The magazine Revue Pyrénées is made impact of the publication of the book
The magazine Revue Pyrénées is made impact of the publication of the book "The Maladeta massif".
pdf link004-webRevuePyrenees.pdf
The important French magazine is made echo of the appearance of the book Revista Revue Pyrénées


> Press Room of Cossetània Edicions
Article in the block of Cossetània with information of the new published book.
pdf link003-blogCossetania.pdf
Comments of the book in the block of the publishing company Bloc de l'editorial Cossetània Edicions


> The editorial Cossetània Edicions adds the book in its web site
From the Cossetània Edicions web site you can already buy the book online, and make a taste.
pdf link002-webCossetania.pdf
Web site of Cossetània Edicions
The book can already be tasted and buy over internet Web de Cossetània Edicions


> La Muntanya .com briefs of the appearance of the book "The Maladeta massif"
The portal web site La Muntanya .com briefs of the new book recently published.
pdf link001-webLaMuntanya.pdf
Section dedicated to the book on the web page of one of the authors Web La Muntanya .com


> It borns this web site dedicated to the book "The Maladeta massif"
Jordi Pons Corbella, coauthor of the book, creates this informative and divulging web site. Web oficial del llibre


> The book has been distributed
The book "The Maladeta massif" can already be found on the bookshops.


> The book is finished
The book "The Maladeta massif " comes out from the printing.


> The book is handing over
On Thursday the 8th June of 2006, delivery of the totally finished book made to Cossetània Edicions editorial.


> Signature of the contract
On Friday 22 April of 2005 Tòfol Tobal, Jordi Pons and Ramon Solís sign the contract with Cossetània Edicions in order to make a book - guide of the Maladeta massif.


> Research in the Maladeta massif
Jordi Pons and Tòfol Tobal start to collaborate in studies of research around the Maladeta massif.


Book "The Maladeta massif " | © Tòfol Tobal, Jordi Pons and Ramon Solís | © Cossetània Edicions |