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title page of the book "El massís de la Maladeta"
catalan version
title page of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta"
spanish version

Title: El massís de la Maladeta (The Maladeta massif)

Subtitle: de les valls als cims (from the valleys to the peaks)

* Tòfol Tobal (introduction, geographical notes, valleys and lakes)
* Jordi Pons (technical notes, itineraries, pictures and sketchs)
* Ramon Solís (flora and fauna, pictures)

Edited by: Cossetània Edicions

Pages: 144

First edition: July of 2007

ISBN: 978-84-9791-281-5

Legal deposit: T-1.211-2007

Title: El macizo de la Maladeta (The Maladeta massif)

Subtitle: de los valles a las cimas (from the valleys to the peaks)

* Tòfol Tobal (introduction, geographical notes, valleys and lakes)
* Jordi Pons (technical notes, itineraries, pictures and sketchs)
* Ramon Solís (flora and fauna, pictures)

Edited by: Lectio Ediciones

Pages: 144

First edition: July of 2008

ISBN: 978-84-96754-22-5

Legal deposit: T-795-2008

Collection: Azimut Nº 92
Number of pages: 144
Number of pictures: 104
Formed: 12 x 22,5 cm
Bookbinding: In rustic
Language: Catalan
Photography of the binding: Coronas valley - Llosás crest - Maldito crest - Aneto peak (by Jordi Pons Corbella)
Matter: Mountaineering, pyreneeism, mountain research, hiking, the Maladeta massif
Collection: Traza Nº 6
Number of pages: 144
Number of pictures: 104
Formed: 12 x 22,5 cm
Bookbinding: In rustic
Language: Castilian (Spanish)
Photography of the binding: Coronas valley - Llosás crest - Aneto peak, Paderna valley (by Jordi Pons Corbella)
Matter: Mountaineering, pyreneeism, mountain research, hiking, the Maladeta massif
overlaps book "El massís de la Maladeta"lids of the book "El massís de la Maladeta"overlaps book title page "El massís de la Maladeta"
catalan version
overlaps book "El macizo de la Maladeta"lids of the book "El macizo de la Maladeta"overlaps book title page "El macizo de la Maladeta"
spanish version


Book "The Maladeta massif " | © Tòfol Tobal, Jordi Pons and Ramon Solís | © Cossetània Edicions |