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Reconstruction of the first ascent on the Aneto summit in 1842
The Maladeta massif still continues keeping some small historical mysteries due to lack of documents, or because the of inertia hardly understandable nowadays. Many of the readers of this guide will feel themselves surprised by knowing that the exact route of the expedition of 1842, the first that attained the Aneto summit (played the lead in by Platon de Tchihatcheff and Albert de Franqueville), unknown stayed until nowadays, and therefore, not never repeated until now.
We, the authors, have worked this enigma of the pyreneeism from the few sources written existing, and above everything, carrying out an exhaustive fieldwork, from 1998 in the resolution. The combination of one and another has allowed us to establish the one that we consider the true and complete itinerary of the expedition of 1842 .
We believe that they represent some very attractive itineraries for everybody that you will find detailed in this book.

Torre Cordier: the frogotten three thousand meters peak
In spite of the exhaustive explorations and ascents carried out along two centuries, and the numerous existing bibliography about the peaks of more than three thousand meters on the Pyrenees, a peak perfectly differentiated was left anonymous and almost forgotten in the middle of the Maladeta glacier. Tòfol Tobal (Centre Excursionista de Catalunya mountaineering club), geographer, and Jordi Pons (Agrupació Excursionista Talaia mountaineering club), technician in mountain sports, presented the past 29 April of 2004, in the mountain section of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya mountaineering club, the result of their study pioneered in 2002.
Later, the 29th October of 2004, Tòfol Tobal and Jordi Pons made a public presentation of the Torre Cordier peak in the hall of degrees of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelone (Spain).
At the present this distinguished geographical accident already comes out in the map of Miguel Angulo "Aneto" of the represented collection: Mapas Pirenaicos from the publishing company Sua > ISBN: 84-8216-195-4 at scale 1:15.000, and also in the map "Aneto - Maladeta" of the Alpine publishing company > ISBN: 84-8090-200-0, at scale 1:25.000.
In this book you will find more information about, and and the description of two itineraries of access.


Book "The Maladeta massif " | © Tòfol Tobal, Jordi Pons and Ramon Solís | © Cossetània Edicions |